Sunday, March 17, 2013

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pink Lemonade Cookies

The Limited Edition Pillsbury Pink Lemonade cookie dough caught my attention when I was at Kroger early this week.  Making them was easy enough, although I have kind of gotten into the even more easy and convenient trays of break apart cookie dough.

The flavor of them ended up being pretty good.  They definitely seemed lemony, although whether actually pink lemonade I do not know, as it has sometimes seemed pink is just a color rather than an actual flavor for pink lemonade.  It does have a little flavor of something beyond just lemon, though.  According to my brother, they seemed kind of raspberryish and he did not like them because of that.

Overall I liked the Pink Lemonade cookies right out of the oven.  However, once they cooled they were not only crispy, but they ended up being very crumbly feeling.  Since I really only like my cookies soft, I did not much care for them after they cooled, but I would get them again and just make only how many as will be eaten right away at a time.